Getting started

Where to start?

PorterWP is relatively unopinionated, but the skeleton theme is supplied with a gulpfile.js and package.json which are structured in the "PorterWP way".

Setup Gulp

This assumes you have a local development environment with node and npm installed. The package.json supplied requires node >= 18

  1. Navigate to your theme folder

  2. Change the theme name in package.json and style.css to something more appropriate for your project. - Change the text domain too, while you're there.

  3. In terminal, run npm install in the theme folder.

  4. Then run gulp watch to begin.

If you don't node v18, run nvm install 18 to setup and use node 18

The first thing you should see, is the generation of /assets/dist/** and the compilation of SASS and JS. The gulpfile.js also runs a build script to generate a $colors map from the color palette in theme.json

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