Build script

To create a custom block in PorterWP, follow these steps:

Step 1: Navigate to the Theme Folder

Begin by navigating to the theme folder where the PorterWP blocks are stored. The path is typically:


Step 2: Download the _block-base and Files

You will need the _block-base folder and script to generate new blocks. These files can be downloaded from the PorterWP public GitHub repository:

Place both files in your /blocks folder.

Step 3: Run the Script to Create a Block

To generate a new block, you need to run the script from the terminal. Use the following command format:

sh {block-name} {optional: block-category}
  • block-name: The name of your new block (e.g., custom-hero).

  • block-category (optional): The block category. If not provided, the default is components.


sh test-block components

This will create a new block under the /components folder with the name test-block.

Step 4: Understanding the Script

Here is the content of the script:

[ -z "$CATEGORY" ] && CATEGORY='components'
MAKESPACE=$(sed 's/-/ /g' <<< $NAME)
TITLE="$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< ${MAKESPACE:0:1})${MAKESPACE:1}"
NAMESPACE=$(sed 's/ //g' <<< $TITLE)

mkdir -p $CATEGORY/$NAME
cp -a _block-base/. $CATEGORY/$NAME
sed -i '' "s/dummy-name/$NAME/g" block.json
sed -i '' "s/Dummy_Title/$TITLE/g" block.json
sed -i '' "s/Dummy_Title/$TITLE/g" template.php
sed -i '' "s/DummyNamespace/$NAMESPACE/g" block.json
sed -i '' "s/DummyNamespace/$NAMESPACE/g" init.php
sed -i '' "s/dummyCategory/$CATEGORY/g" block.json

This script does the following:

  1. Takes the block name ($NAME) and optional block category ($CATEGORY).

  2. Sets a default category (components) if none is provided.

  3. Creates a new directory for the block inside the specified category.

  4. Copies the contents of _block-base into the new block folder.

  5. Replaces placeholder values (like dummy-name and Dummy_Title) in the block's files with the actual block name and title.

Step 5: Modify the _block-base as Needed

The _block-base folder acts as a stub for new block creation. Advanced users can modify its contents to customize the default structure of new blocks.

You are now ready to create and customize blocks in PorterWP!

Last updated